3 Days To Go: To Pack Or Not To Pack

Posted by Ellen on Mon, Aug 10, 2015

Well, 3 sleeps to go and I have finally decided to do something about packing. I am one of those people who don’t like to have everything done and dusted well before time because it seems to make things go faster if I wait. So I waited and now am slightly panicked.

What on earth do I take? Going to Canada and Alaska, admittedly in the last month of their summer, I would think that basically pants/t-shirts and one, maybe two, good outfits would do, with a jumper. But apparently the summers over there can be very fickle and sometimes like our winter, so I think more warm gear will be needed. The last couple of weeks will be spent in Eastern Canada and will then be September and getting colder.

Aaaagh … I rang one of the spokes today and Liz is almost as confused as I am. The cruise we are going on is a Norwegian Freestyle cruise, so no formal night, so won’t have to take the tiara. That should cut down on the weight in the bags. However, some smart casual gear will be necessary. Do I just take a skirt and a couple of dressier shirts and interchange every second night? We will be lugging luggage (oh, so that’s where it gets its name) around for 6 weeks and I thought the lighter the better. I have read “What to Wear” on Canadian websites and layering seems to be the answer, but to layer you need more than one or two items per outfit.

Then there are shoes … a decent pair for meals at the restaurants on the ship and meals out while travelling; a pair of casual shoes; a pair of walking-type shoes and of course a pair of thongs (flip flops). How on earth is anyone going to know we are from Australia if we are not wearing thongs?

I shall now proceed upstairs to the spare bedroom where a multitude of clothes are spread out on the bed and do some serious sorting/culling. Wish me luck.