Hello Canada (Goodby West Canada) - Banff to Calgary

Posted by Ellen on Mon, Sep 7, 2015

Today, we would leave Banff, go to Calgary and take a plane to the eastern side of Canada to visit Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Thousand Islands and Niagara Falls.

After a much earlier start than we liked or were very familiar with while on this trip, we said goodbye to the travelling 7 and became the travelling 4 and travelling 3. It was sad to say goodbye to our companions and it was with heavy hearts that we pulled out of the Canmore Worldmark accommodation for our trip to Calgary Airport.

However, our mood lightened somewhat when Liz announced “Look at that”, and there, on the side of the road, was a whole herd of female caribou. We stopped (along with quite a few other cars) and attempted to take photos. Soon Mark said “There’s the male on the other side” and on the other side of the road was a magnificent, majestic looking male caribou, complete with huge antlers. He crossed to the same side as the ladies and being the strong, virile looking male that he was, as he vanished into the forest, the ladies soon followed. It was almost as if they were wishing us goodbye to that part of Canada and reassuring us that although we had not seen much of it, there was indeed wildlife there.

This encounter had succeeded in making us much happier and we started off again to Calgary looking forward to our flight to Montreal.