Hello Canada (Whistler - Day 2)

Posted by Ellen on Fri, Aug 14, 2015

What an action packed day it was for the travellers in Whistler today (15 August 2015). After a leisurely breakfast, the six spokes and the hub tagging along for beautification purposes, went to the Olympic Sliding Centre (yes THE Olympic Sliding Centre used in the 2010 Olympic Winter Games) to do some bobsledding. In summer they put wheels on the bobsleds and run them down the actual Olympic track, although you don’t start until the 7th gate, so not right from the very top. The three girls went first, and with a driver called Anna their team name was naturally Anna and the Nannas, and set the fastest time for the day and the three men followed, (team C O Bs [cranky old bast@#$s] doing a much slower time - so victory to Anna and the Nannas. It is something I would have loved to have done, but unfortunately there is a weight restriction and I was over the limit Obviously this is a staged photo. We are actually wearing g- strings on our heads. We call them summer beanies.

Then we headed off to the Whistler Gondola - Mark, Liz and myself and Don and Helen. I am not too fond of heights and this trip was all about challenging myself in that regard, so on the gondola I went - bit nervous at first, but soon settled in and really enjoyed it. You are not too far from the ground at any time - just a long way up.

We looked around at the top and took some photos of absolutely amazing scenery. It was once again a hot day in Whistler, but there, at the top of the peak, it was delightfully cooler. Somehow amongst the peaks, some still with remnant snow, the worries of the world seemed small and insignificant.

Then we got on the Peak to Peak gondola to go across from Whistler to Blackcomb Mountain - over the valley below. I felt a bit nervous about this one, but it was so easy. The gondolas are large and feel very safe and self-contained, so I was looking back, forward, down and even getting up and moving around. Mark and Helen don’t like heights much either, but they were both doing as well as I was.

On the other side Liz and I shared a very expensive hot dog (I’ll pay you for my half any day now Liz, I promise) and debated the pros and cons of going back down the chairlift as opposed to the protection of the gondola. Mark, Helen and I hummed and haa-ed a bit, but decided to be brave. Helen’s hubby, Don, went back over on the gondola and up a chairlift to a higher level and walked back to the unit. Helen and I shared the first chairlift and I have to admit that in the first ten seconds I was thinking “this was not a good idea” but after some deep breaths, Helen and I both settled down and really enjoyed the ride. Yaaay us. When we got to the half-way point, I thought the ride was over and was truly regretful until Helen pointed out that we just had to get off and then back on another section for the remainder of the trip down. The four of us shared the next one and Liz was very proud of her more nervous companions.