Vancouver to Kamloops (Part 2)

Posted by Ellen on Thu, Sep 3, 2015

After our quick, but exhilarating trip to Hell’s Gate, we piled back into the car, content that we had done all we wanted to, and continued to Kamloops.

I don’t think I mentioned in the Part 1 blog that once we had left Vancouver proper and gotten clear of its outlying suburbs, the scenery was amazing. Canada is so beautiful. It has not disappointed at all. Nearly every bend or turn in the road brought another breathtaking vista of snow-capped mountains, trees, trees and more trees (I love trees, I have discovered - especially the ones over here) - Douglas Fir trees, Silver Birch, evergreens - Christmas tree heaven!!!! Did I mention the streams/rivers/lakes - all beautifully coloured even under dull, leaden skies.

We stopped for something to eat at a truck stop which was flying quite possibly the largest Canadian flag ever made (slight exaggeration here), but it was big. The flagpole alone was huge. It was blowing a gale, so it was hard to get the flag to stay still long enough to photograph.

After we left Hell’s Gate, the scenery changed to bare mountains/hills with less trees - most of these the results of avalanches. However, these still had their own beauty and charm.

Nearing the end of our eastward journey to Kamloops, we were greeted with the beautiful sight of the setting sun behind us reflecting onto the hills. Another memorable scene.

Finally, we arrived at our accommodation at Kamloops (Doubletree by Hilton) or “thank f@#$ we’re here”. We were greeted by the four spokes who had left us to our own devices many hours ago in Vancouver. They had not arrived very long before us, as it turned out. Don expressed amazement that we had arrived so soon after them and had actually found the place without a Sally of our own. More proof that with the fantastic driving skills of Mark, and a navigator and co-pilot of the high calibre of Liz and myself, together with a map and written directions - no form of technology was needed.

So here we all were, together again in Kamloops for the night and moving on to Jasper the next day.